In the summer of 2006, a year after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, I was part of a group of volunteers from my church who traveled down to Biloxi, Mississippi to help with home rebuilding as part of ongoing disaster…
On April 20, 2021 my mom, Mary Coleman, was in the Chambersburg Hospital and not expected to live. The doctor told us she’d likely not make the 15 minute trip to her home, however, all of our family wanted…
I grew up in an agnostic household. I didn’t believe in God or know much about Him other than what I got out of the Easter shows on TV. When I was 17 I met a group of kids…
I have seen God moving in my life by the many confirmations he gives me when I believe he is teaching me some way to go or attitude to convey. It is amazing how God is in sovereign control…
I saw God over the weekend in the life of one of Layne’s dearest friends, Mary Ellen. Mary Ellen has been to many countries and involved in many ministries in Jesus’ name over decades. She has been a faithful…